Terapia de Pareja Online: Reconstruye Tu Relación, Paso a Paso

Conéctate, comunícate y crece junto a tu pareja, sin importar la distancia. Descubre cómo la terapia virtual puede fortalecer y revitalizar tu relación.

Transformation Stories

These real-life experiences are a testament to our commitment to your well-being.

Terapia de Pareja sin estigmas

Each couple faces challenges, but not all have the tools to overcome them. Here, we provide you with a safe space and strategies to strengthen your bond

Encuentra tu especialista ideal y reconstruye tu relación

Starting with Selia is just that simple

Choose your
Especialista en Terapia de pareja

We help you through the Matching questionnaire or a 15-minute orientation session.

Schedule your first

Schedule an appointment with the specialist that suits your needs, time and preferences.

Begin your

Connect from anywhere and enjoy the wellness tools we have for you.

Terapia psicológica online

Innovating mental healthcare

Únete a nosotros y consigue los cambios que estás buscando en tu relación.

Virtual therapy at any time.

Over 300+ certified specialists ready to help you.

Schedule your appointment in just 5 minutes.

Listen to meditations, complete emotional checkups and more.

Online therapy and coaching with more than 200 specialists.

Monthly seminars and personalized talks on topics relevant to each partner.

Reports on the use of the benefit.

White label materials and communication tools for talent attraction and retention.

Innovating mental healthcare

Join Selia and achieve the changes you're looking for.

Lives impacted

Our services

Everything you need to take care of your emotions, in one place, when you need it.

Terapia psicológica online
Individual therapy to get to know yourself and learn how to manage stress and emotions.
Couples therapy to strengthen your relationship.
Family therapy to improve communication and resolve conflicts.
Coaching to help you reach your goals and objectives.
Wellness activities to complement your process.
Start taking care of yourself now
Give yourself the opportunity to feel good. Start your path to wellness now.
Download the app

We'll be wherever you need us, right to your phone.

Enjoy all that Selia has for you in our app.

Escoge el monto de la tarjeta de regalo

Escoge el monto de la tarjeta de regalo

Descubre al especialista perfecto para ti

¿No estás seguro de qué profesional de salud mental elegir?

Regístrate en Selia y te asistiremos en la elección entre más de 300 expertos. Además, podrás agendar tu primera sesión.