Selia para Empresas

To invest in the well-being of your team,
es invertir en el futuro de tu empresa

¿Quiénes Somos?

Somos es una mental health platform that provides immediate, easy and confidential support to companies and their employees. We offer wellness content, group lectures, and virtual therapy, psychiatry and coaching sessions with highly certified specialists.

Terapia psicológica online

Selia es una solución completa e integral enfocada
en mejorar el clima laboral y la productividad del equipo

For employees

A safe and confidential space for them to start their wellness journey.

For the company

Support and tools for the cultural transformation of the company.

We have more than 36,000 users and 3,500 employees in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Ecuador who trust us.

Ofrecemos soluciones digitales que permiten a colaboradores empezar su camino de bienestar, con un enfoque en resultados cuantificables

Reduce burnout and job presenteeism

Recognize, train and offer resources and tools to accompany employees on their well-being path.

Reduce work absenteeism

Work on the motivation and commitment of the team, to reduce the time that an employee is absent from work.

Talent attraction and retention

76% of employees believe that their company should offer mental health benefits.

Do you want to know more about Selia's partnerships with companies?

Déjanos tu información y nos pondremos en contacto para explicarte los próximos pasos.

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