Patricia Gracia
Online psychologists • Colombia
Sobre mí
I am a woman, mother, and wife who is passionate about life and connecting with nature. Family time, reading, music, and continuous learning are part of my everyday life. Values such as honesty, respect in all its forms, and tolerance are fundamental pillars in my interpersonal relationships.
¿Qué esperar en la primera sesión?
You will find a warm and empathetic human being with extensive experience supporting individuals through life’s journeys. One of the first objectives in the initial session will be to establish the main reason for consultation and your expectations. My personal and professional commitment will bring you hope and clarity to move forward.
Estilo de terapia psicológica
Meus dois enfoques terapêuticos são a Logoterapia e a abordagem Cognitivo-Comportamental. Através da combinação eficaz dessas abordagens, ofereço ferramentas para que as pessoas possam navegar em seus processos, identificando pensamentos e crenças limitantes, além de dar sentido e propósito às suas vidas por meio do autoconhecimento e da autoprojetação. My two therapeutic approaches are Logotherapy and the Cognitive Behavioral approach. Through their effective combination, I provide individuals with tools to navigate their process by identifying limiting thoughts and beliefs while giving their lives meaning and purpose through self-awareness and self-projection.
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